1. Kristin Griesbaum says:


  2. Kimberly says:

    I thought I read somewhere that you use YL essential oils. Do you use them in your RI? Currently, I use vanilla and vanilla/butter emulsion and I find my RI still taste like powdered sugar.

    • Judit says:

      Yes, I used YL essential oils. I would recomend trying with some emulsions first. In my experience the vanilla and emulsion are the perfect combination for the icing.

  3. Dolores Cherkewick says:

    I’m trying your recipe today. I’ll let you know how I do!! Thank you for this blog. It helps in every way possible.

  4. Janie Johnson says:

    Is this the recipe that looks and feels like porcelain? I’m really excited to try it if it is. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Dolores Cherkewick says:

    Royal Icing Switch Alert!!!!!!
    Judit, this recipe is the absolute best one that I have ever used. It flowed beautifully, felt so silky and smooth. I felt like such a professional Cookier. I’m hooked, switching forever and I highly recommend to others that need a change that works! You are so amazing and I appreciate all that you do.

  6. Beatriz Flores says:

    Thank you!! I’m going to try this recipe this week. Thanks for sharing it 🫶🏼

  7. Janie Johnson says:

    For the corn syrup the recipe says 60G/2OZ/1/4C however my 1/4C came to 120G. Which do you use?

  8. Maria Ojeda says:

    Hola Judith, el conr syrup solo se puede agregar en los primeros pasos, una vez que ya el royalicing esté listo, ya no se puede agregar y volver a batir, verdad?

  9. What is the purpose of the corn syrup? I don’t currently use it in my RI recipe, but maybe I should try! Thanks so much for sharing, Judit!

  10. Jennifer Johnson says:

    Hi Judit!! Thank you for all the resources!! Is there a formula or method to mixing the colors in the amounts needed? Or is it just a visual best guess on what you need…white vs red vs black etc?

    • Judit says:

      Wight your cookie before decorating it, then wight it once you have decorated it. This way you know exactly how much icing to use for each cookie, and the amount of icing you need for each color

  11. Coppi says:

    Hello. I think I read you use a piping consistency and a flood, i may have missed how you did that. Do you just add a bit more water for the flood? I’m fairly new to this.

    • Judit says:

      Hi! Yes, I do use two consistencies. Yes, add water to make the flood consistency, but add a few drops of water at a time until you achieve the consistency you want for flooding

  12. Sheree says:

    What is your favorite emulsion to use for the icing? Cream cheese?

  13. Christine Connolly says:

    What is the purpose of the emulsion?

  14. Lisa Wishner says:

    Judit I just want to make sure just the half tablespoon of water? Seems like so little liquid. I usually use like a bit more.

  15. Dori says:

    Can I just use almond extract to flavor it or must it be an emulsion?

  16. Fermin Amoe says:

    Perfect piece of work you have done, this website is really cool with fantastic info

  17. Barb Branigan says:

    Thank you for providing your RI recipe, but I have a question.  
    In the list of ingredients, it states cream cheese LorAnn emulsion but in the instructions, #1-whisk MP, vanilla, cheesecake emulsion,
    Could you clarify which one
    thanks so much

  18. Karen Pungaew says:

    Thank you for sharing. Is it possible to make half a recipe?

  19. Anysia says:

    Omg, this will be my Go to! This came of beautiful, shiny and puffy! It is fabulous…
    Thank you for sharing – I really appreciate it

  20. Laura Melendez says:

    Hi! Your icing looks amazing and I’m gonna try it. Do you use two different consistencies? Meaning one for outlining and one for flooding? My issue with that is by the time I outline and switch to flood the outline dries? Any suggestions?

  21. Diana says:

    Thank you for sharing. I’ve been searching for a royal icing that has a better taste than my current version. I will try this for my valentine cookies this year.
    To clarify, you ad vanilla PLUS another emulsion or flavoring of choice? Seems like conflicting flavors.
    Thanks again!

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